GWLI photo for MZD

Go Where Light Is – March 16-18, 2023

I look back one more time. It’s like a crater, a hole where something happened.

-Emma Donoghue


A new choreographic work by Jen Mesch, Go Where Light Is debuts at Mile Zero Dance March 16-18, 7:30 pm. Buy tickets here.

Music by Evidence (Stephan Moore and Scott Smallwood)

Dance performed by Giovanni Young, Raena Waddell, Deanne Underwood, Jason Romero, Philip Kloc, Alida Kendell, Alison Kause, Bridget Jessome and Kathleen Hughes

Live video projections by aAron Munson, set design by aAron Munson with Larry Kelly

The evening will feature a second set by Evidence performing live with dance by Jen Mesch, Gerry Morita, Stacey Murchison and Nancy Sandercock and projections by aAron Munson.


Bashaw Retrospective – April 2020 – posponed

Jen Mesch Dance Conspiracy has been invited to join in the Howard Bashaw retrospective, honouring recently retired and esteemed composer Howard Bashaw. The piece will feature the original cast, dancers Alison Kause, Jen Mesch, and Jeannie Vanderkerkhove, and piano performed by the great Roger Admiral. Bashaw’s incredibly energetic, Boogie Demon – Let’s Go! was requested by Bashaw to close out the show. Howard Bashaw is a national treasure, and we’re thrilled to be part of this.

Night Cuts

April 21, 2018

Jen Mesch and Roger Admiral (piano) join Mile Zero Dance‘s Gerry Morita and Mile Zero neighbour Tony the Venetian Barber for a third version of Night Cuts – a hair inspired collaboration, this time to the Goldberg Variations (Admiral playing them by heart as a personal challenge)