Monstrous Baroque – Refinery late night art party at the Art Gallery of Alberta – Curated by fast&dirty collective, performances and activities will be happening throughout the gallery for this epic fundraiser. Mesch, Scott Smallwood and Matt Vest will be showing Night Again, Not Night Still in the auditorium. Refinery is one of Edmonton’s best dress-up throw-downs. $35/$30 AGA Members/$15 AGA Ultra Members. 9pm. UPDATE: 900 tickets = Sold out!
The Seasons – New Music Edmonton is joining in the world-wide September festivities and is hosting Edmonton’s only John Cage 100th birthday concert. NME and pianist Sandra Joy Friesen have invited the Conspiracy to collaborate on a piece Cage wrote for Merce Cunningham in 1947. Mesch will be choreographing a Merce Cunningham-esque piece for this event. Dancers: Susan Kania, Alida Nyquist-Schultz, Tony Olivares, and Jodie Vandekerkhove. Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Concert at 7:00pm, $15 public, $5 for NME members. Festivities including readings, projections, activities and food begin at 3:30 pm.
The Echo Techs (Chenoa Anderson, flute – Ian Crutchley, found objects – Jennifer Mesch, dance – and Scott Smallwood, piano & electronics) will be performing for an hour on the main stage of the Kaleido Festival. 4pm and FREE.
Garage Show II – fast & dirty collective (Jennifer Rae Forsyth & Kristen Hutchinson) are hosting a visual arts and video event in two residential garages. With visual art at one location, Jen Mesch Dance Conspiracy along with the magnificent Raylene Campbell on accordion will lead the audience from the visual art garage around the neighbourhood and through the alleys to the video art garage. There will be beer!
A Midsummer Night’s Motifs – Mesch and special guests will appear in a works-in-progress fundraiser for a dance production that will be infiltrating the 2012 Edmonton International Fringe Festival. In the FAB 3rd floor Movement Studio at U of A. 7:30 pm, your $10 cash donation goes to help make dance possible in The Fringe!
XIME and the Dance Improv As Performance class members Sydney Gross and Hannah Jackson along with guest dancers Amber Borotsik, Phil Klock, Amy Kubanek, Barbara Murray, Maïté Snauwaert and Jodie Vandekerkhove will finish off the academic year by performing in an exciting evening of sound and movement! 8 pm and FREE.
07.Mar.12 – 10.Mar.12
Expanse Movement Arts Festival.
Mesch is dancing in Amber Borotsik’s “Open Air” outdoor performance adventure. Performing in and out of doors around the Westbury Theatre during the festival. Edmonton, Alberta.
Photos of the festival by Marc J Chalifoux.