Jen Mesch Dance Conspiracy is joining XIME for an informal performance in Studio 27. It’s just us tonight! University of Alberta, Fine Arts Building (FAB). 8pm and FREE.
Boom! Mile Zero Dance salon event! Curated by dance maverick Kathy Ochoa, the current Conspiracy (Celine Cattöen-Gilbert, Cole Humeny, Richard Lee, Barbara Murray, Kate Stashko, Eryn Tempest and Jodie Vandekerkhove) has been invited to perform a structured improv. With music by XIME (eXperimental Improv Music Ensemble). Ochoa is emphasizing explosiveness for this evening’s performance and parental guidance is suggested: may contain nudity, violence, strobe lights or loud noises. Catalyst Theatre, 8529 Gateway Boulevard, Edmonton, AB. $12 for MZD members, $15 for non-members, tickets at the door only.
Mile Zero Dance is having a lovely open house for their new space! The public is welcome and Jen Mesch will be one of many to informally perform. 1-5 pm 9533 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta.
Alberta Arts Days. Mesch and Smallwood perform a new version of Anna and the Other Anna in the lobby of the Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium as Visualeyez reps. Other artists and bands will be performing before, during and after. Around 10 pm.
Visualeyez 2010 performance art festival at Latitude 53. Food is the curatorial theme, and Mesch and Scott Smallwood have been invited to perform The Comfort Room. 7:30 pm in the gallery main space. Visualeyez is from September 15-21. 10248 – 106 Street Edmonton, Alberta.
Jen Mesch Dance Conspiracy has been invited by the Fast and Dirty Collective to perform in The Works Festival in Sir Winston Churchill Square. Mesch and dancer Kevin Jesuino will perform Danses des coudes at 5:30 pm. Also performing Todd Janes July 4 12:00-4:00pm, Good Women Dance Society July 5 2:30 pm, Julianna Barabas July 5:30-8:30 pm.
International Dance Day – Mesch to present a new excerpt of Cavern” (work-in-progress) at an informal showing presented by Good Women Dance Collective called “What’s Cooking?” Food and feedback are all part of this event. $5 for food and performance. PCL Studio Theatre, TransAlta Arts Barns, 10330 – 84th Ave, Edmonton, Alberta.
Mile Zero Dance Salon Series, “Future World”. Mesch and composer Scott Smallwood team up to perform their new piece, Cro-H+, a lecture-demonstration of their ultra-superduper-high tech improvisation collaboration as proto-transhumans. At the Westbury Theatre at Transalta Arts Barns, 10330 – 84 Avenue, Edmonton, AB.
Mile Zero Dance Salon Series, “25 Miles”. To help Mile Zero Dance celebrate their 25th anniversary, Mesch and dancer Ainsley Hillyard will perform the conspiracy version of Bolero. The fur is gonna fly! At The ARTery. Edmonton, AB, Canada.